Nutrition Tips Weight loss/ intuitive eating

Eat smart for weight loss! The approach that works

eat smart for weight loss
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If you are sick and tired of going around in circles when it comes to losing weight, it’s time to take a look at your approach towards eating. It happens also with exercise, but I am here to put things into perspective and help you understand how a successful long term weight loss is possible. I guess you’ve been wondering why is it that there are so many diets out there, yet it feels difficult for you to lose weight and keep it off for good. The thing is, most of the times we fall into the “dieting” mindset and routine, hurting our bodies instead of doing good. What do I mean by this? Well, the true key to a successful weight loss strategy is eating right not less. In other words, we need to shift our lifestyle to eat smart for weight loss.

Eat smart for weight loss, instead of “dieting”

Are you looking to lose weight in the long term, in a healthy sustainable way? Then, you need to stop dieting! Yes, that’s right… Let’s just not confuse terms here, but “dieting” is not the same as a regular diet or eating regimen. Dieting, more often than not, implies that you eat less amount of food, even counting calories and restricting your nutrient intake. These behaviors are far from doing your body any favor, in fact, it has been proven by studies that they cause more harm to your metabolism.

Traditional “diets” and long term weight loss

The answer to why dieting doesn’t work for long term weight loss is simple: Your mindset is all about restrictions and limiting quality food intake. When you “go on a diet”, you immediately start eliminating foods and even food groups from your regimen, causing your body to go into stress mode or “starvation mode”. When this happens, your body’s ability to burn fat slows down. Your brain starts a mechanism to “hold on to your fat”, in case it doesn’t get enough quality food, thus making it harder to lose weight. Once you are “off the diet” and start including all food groups again (this could be involuntary or even after boredom), then you start increasing weight again.

That is the main reason why the yo-yo effect is so frequent. “Dieting” patterns may work for a short period of time, but are not sustainable. Every year new diets come into place, yet the obesity rates continue to increase. I know that this can cause a lot of frustration and anxiety. But, that’s just not the idea. You shouldn’t be going through food obsessions, stressing over calorie counting nor excess restrictions. The truth is, the more you fall into the “dieting” culture, the less effective results you’ll have in terms of weight loss. That’s why you should focus more on how to eat smart for weight loss.

How real weight loss works

True and effective weight loss happens when you fuel your body with the right foods. To eat smart for weight loss means to nourish your body well, not to deprive it from nutrients. This is the common mistake a lot of people do when trying to lose weight. Focusing on eating well instead of less will free you from unnecessary stress, bingeing, anxiety, and weight gain.


When you eat smart for weight loss, you learn to make better food choices, paying special attention to whole foods, rather than processed, which eventually will lead to a better metabolism. You thought that the formula to weight loss is simply less calories in and more calories out through exercise, right? Well, not necessarily. Let me tell you the truth: the food industry has changed, the way our bodies burn fat and metabolize food also may have changed. Therefore, estimating weight loss just with calorie counting is so imprecise, unreal and ineffective. That’s the reason why you should have more of a lifestyle change approach, rather than just on macro counting and calorie counting.

The moment you eat smart for weight loss, is when you mindfully and subconsciously include quality foods from different food groups. That’s how you truly give proper nutrition to your body. You focus on providing all the proper nutrients that you need: protein, whole carbs, healthy fats, vitamins, minerals, fiber and water. This last component is also so important, as hydrating your body will keep your organs working right, boost your metabolism, and help get rid of toxins.

eat smart for weight loss

Focus on habits and to eat smart for weight loss

Effective weight loss has to do with real lifestyle habits. Your body needs to have the proper nutrition, but also should be physically active and have hormonal balance. Yes, hormones also play an important role in metabolism and weight loss! This is another reason why you should always seek guidance when making dietary changes. Making serious restrictions doesn’t only harm your metabolism, but also your hormone activity. Eating smart for weight loss is crucial, but it also has to do with your other lifestyle habits.

Eating smart for weight loss is key…

Weight loss happens as long as you are nourishing your body correctly, ensuring proper function of your body organs and getting rid of toxins. This last aspect is where most “popular diets” fail. They don’t address the toxic waste in the body. It’s just about restricting food groups and nutrient intake. If you eat well, your vital organs will work better, helping you get rid of toxins effectively. A clear example of this is your gut health. When you are bloated, not only you are gaining more weight, but holding on to waste. The same thing happens with the kidneys and liver function. By eating better, you are enhancing your gut and other organs health, which will help you detoxify the right way. This will result in you getting a better hold of the nutrients you eat, burn fat and therefore, lose weight.

You see how everything here is related? Understanding why it is important to eat smart for weight loss should give you a better perspective on how to achieve and maintain good results. Like I said, it doesn’t mean that calories and macros aren’t important, but that should not be the main focus when trying to lose weight, especially because the foods we are eating now are different and our bodies change constantly.

How to shed fat now?

eat smart for weight loss

To burn fat includes many lifestyle healthy habits and changes. But, basically, you should focus on balance and getting your body in fat burning mode, rather than on starvation mode. By having your body in starvation mode, your body is sluggish, your organs don’t work effectively, therefore your metabolism doesn’t make you burn fat, but retain it. In the Health Reload Challenge, I focus on teaching you how to eat the right foods in the way you can shift your body into fat burning mode. The same way happens with exercising. You could be doing a lot of exercise and still not losing weight. Effective workouts can help you burn fat and lose weight in the long term. Remember that to stay in shape, the formula is 80% good nutrition and 20% exercise.

Some final tips and considerations to eat smart for weight loss

Focus on quality! Make good food choices

I can’t keep stressing this enough! This is the key to losing weight. Forget about the excessive restrictions. Shift your focus from what I shouldn’t eat to what I should eat more of. Not only will this keep you in a positive, right mindset about weight loss and fitness, but will relieve your body from unnecessary anxiety that comes with “dieting”. Your body will work better and you will start dropping more pounds naturally.

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Practice regular exercise

As always, getting that body active is also an important step to achieving effective, long term weight loss. The key here is strategic workouts. You don´t need to go into a marathon or do excessive gym routines, all you need to do is train according to your body condition and needs. The important thing is that you workout to get your body in fat burning mode.

Stay hydrated

Staying hydrated not only will help you get rid of toxins, which is essential to lose weight, but also will keep your organs working effectively. Your body’s composition is mostly water, therefore, you need to keep its levels to the best. Plus, by staying hydrated, you will stimulate a faster metabolism and promote fat burn.

Sleep well

Sleeping well will not only improve your metabolism, but will also regulate your hunger levels. Have you started your day in hangry mood? Have you thought that it could have been because of lack of sleep? This is one of the main reasons why our blood sugar levels are spiked up and we have more cravings. Besides having  better hunger hormone levels, sleeping well would help you burn fat and lose weight.

Get rid of food obsessions

Obsessing over food and falling into calorie counting craze will not only take away peace of mind, but will stimulate your body to get into starvation mode. You will be amazed of how powerful your brain is when it comes to hunger mood, being satisfied and being stressed. Food obsessions are unhealthy, and can cause a reverse effect to weight management. Most times, food obsessions can lead to bingeing, emotional eating, and eating disorders. Eat smart for weight loss, develop a healthy relationship with food.

Manage stress

It has been proven that being stressed frequently can make you eat more than wanted. It’s important to learn how to manage stress in a good way that it doesn’t take over your eating regimen. Excess stress often leads to two extremes: overeating or undereating. Make sure you focus on finding a solution to your stress levels. Some meditation and relaxation methods can help! Nevertheless, don’t rely on food!


Weight loss is about making lifestyle changes as a whole. It is about making good food choices, training well and focusing on positive healthy habits that will enhance your body’s function. Learn how to eat smart for weight loss in an effective way for long term results. Make sure you check out more for guidance and resources here. Let me know your thoughts and concerns in the comments below. Share this article with your friends!


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Z. Johnson

Passionate about helping and inspiring others to improve to a healthier lifestyle!

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