Skincare Skincare facts

Top Skin superfoods you can’t miss

skin superfoods
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Are you looking for a more youthful and glowing skin? Having a healthier skin starts in the kitchen. That’s right! Whatever you eat will not only reflect in your body weight but also in the appearance of your skin. Of course, you want to invest in your skin, since it will represent you for a long time. I will dive deeper into some important skin superfoods to be on top of your skincare.

The good thing is that, basic skincare doesn’t have to be expensive. As a matter of fact, you can choose the healthiest skin superfoods readily available. Because of this, you will  start maintaining a healthier skin appearance. Remember:  because the skin is our largest body organ, it should be treated with care. Proper hydration is the first thing you should take into consideration. Also, other factors, like eating balanced meals as well as regular exercise will keep you on the go.

Important nutrients for the skin

Before I move on to the skin superfoods, let’s start with understanding what are the most important nutrients for our skin.

  • Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that fights against the damaging process associated with aging. Also, vitamin C is involved in making collagen, an important skin protein. This substance is like the main backbone of our skin.

  • Vitamin A

Vitamin A is critical for skin repair and maintenance. A diet rich in vitamin A ensures that our skin does not become dry and flaky.  This vitamin also helps to reduce damage from toxins.

  • Vitamin E

Just as the other antioxidants, Vitamin E is crucial for our skin health. It also plays an important role in skin cells health. As a result, it avoids damage caused by exposure to toxins in environment and aging.

  • Omega 3

These essential fatty acids fight against inflammation. They are also responsible for repairing the skin, moisturizing it and giving it flexibility.

  • Selenium

This mineral is a powerful antioxidant responsible for maintaining skin firmness and elasticity. It also helps in the absorption and use of vitamin E. It is another essential nutrient for maintaining glowing skin.

  • Zinc

Zinc is an important mineral that helps repair damaged skin and heals wounds.  Additionally, this mineral helps to protect the skin from the sun’s ultraviolet rays.

Adding vitamin supplements to your healthy eating regimen will ensure you’re getting all the essential nutrients for your body and that your metabolism is in check. I am currently taking Whole Food Women’s Multivitamin, from the Vitamin Shoppe. This is one of my favorite natural metabolism and immune system boosters. You can get Whole Food Women’s Multivitamin at 10% discount here.

Top skin superfoods

Bright colorful fruits:

Bright colorful fruits like red, orange and yellow provide tons of vitamin A and C. They are also good sources of beta-carotene,, which forms vitamin A. Some good examples of these types of skin superfoods are: red and yellow bell peppers, tomatoes. These last ones contain lycopene, which is another antioxidant that prevents premature aging.


Avocados are high in healthy fats. They contain mainly vitamin E, which is essential for maintaining a beautiful and glowing skin. When vitamin E  and C combine, these work wonders in avoiding sun damage and keeping skin collagen.

Green veggies

Green veggies such as broccoli, kale, spinach and others are packed with vitamins C and A, as well as other minerals, like zinc. Hence, veggies and green leafs are well known for their anti-cancerigen properties.

You can also take advantage of superblends or superfood smoothies. These foods are packed with so much nutrition value and benefits, that you won’t want to miss including these in your healthy eating regimen. I tried Splendid Spoon superblends, and I love that they have superfoods, are fully plant-based and help boost your metabolism. You can easily have them for a quick meal replacement, post-workout smoothie, or simply as a complete snack. These smoothies are perfect for busy people, who are always on-the-go. Splendid spoon offers many flavors and bundles, plus deliver right to your door. Get 15% off here.

Sweet potatoes

These are excellent sources of beta-carotene, which protects the skin from sun damage.


Sunflower seeds and chia seeds are good sources of vitamin E and selenium.


Nuts like almonds and walnuts, are rich sources of the following: vitamin E, zinc, selenium, essential fats (omega-3), smaller amounts of vitamin C and protein.

Fatty fish

Fishes like salmon, tuna and trout, for example, are packed with omega-3 essential fats. These are important to keep your skin radiant.


Wine is famous for its component resveratrol. This is a powerful antioxidant that has anti-cancer and anti-aging properties.

Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate (pure cocoa) contains many antioxidants that promote a better skin hydration, texture, thickness, protect against sunburn and wrinkles, among other benefits.

Green tea

Green tea is another great skin superfood that contains many antioxidants. Catechins are components that you find in green tea responsible for improving skin hydration, thickness and elasticity.

Did you know that a good cup of coffee full of adaptogens can also boost your energy? I’ve had Krios Coffee Brilliance Blend. This is my top choice, since it boosts your energy without the negative side effects of caffeine. Also, I recommend this coffee because it’s infused with vitamins and adaptogens (natural superfood blends), which enhance your focus and memory. Other benefits include:

  • Stress and anxiety relief
  • Immune system boosters
  • No jitters no energy crash

To wrap up…

Skin health starts with proper eating habits. Therefore, enhancing skin maintenance starts with making proper food choices. Skin superfoods are packed with nutrients such as vitamins A, C, E. As well, they include minerals like zinc and selenium, and healthy essential fats. You should embrace your skin type and ensure a healthy nutrition. Because of this, you will improve proper hydration and food variety.

Skin superfoods also play an important role in keeping your skin’s elasticity, thickness, texture and hydration. Apart from that, they add nutrients that protect it from damage. Skin superfoods also protect you from external bad substances like sunburn, smog, and others. These are what produce free radicals.

Basically,  these substances damage the skin and speed up aging. Therefore, nutrients in skin superfoods add antioxidants to reverse these effects. Also, you want to keep your skin looking young.

You also want to bear in mind some further recommendations:

  • Drink a lot of water (2L per day)
  • Abstain from smoking and excess alcohol as much as possible.
  • Avoid refined sugars.
  • Avoid excess of processed foods.
  • Limit the amount of saturated fats.
  • Avoid carbonated drinks.
  • Limit junk food.
  • Practice exercise regularly. This will help your skin to clean and release accumulated toxins.
  • Protect your skin daily from sunlight. Use sunblock appropriately. Consult your cosmetologist about the right one you should use for your skin type.

In other articles, I will be sharing more about skin care with facial products. For now, it’s important that you focus more on clean eating.  As a result, you will  nourish and protect your skin from within.

Finally, what are your thoughts on skincare with superfoods? Did you already include these types of skin foods in your diet? Did you consider making small changes to your eating lifestyle to treat skin diseases like acne or eczema? Let me know your comments. Share this article with your friends.

For professional assessment or consultation, you can also contact me at the link in Services.

Z. Johnson

Passionate about helping and inspiring others to improve to a healthier lifestyle!

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