Fitness Fitness motivation

Best workout motivation strategies to get going

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You’ve already decided to start your fitness journey. You got your gear, already started your healthy eating plan and are looking for a strategy to keep an active lifestyle. First of all, kudos to you! Perhaps, you may be facing that time in which it’s hard to find workout motivation. The good thing is, you are not the only person. In fact, all of us at some point go through this same stage. I am going to share with you some of the best workout motivation hacks and techniques that make wonders for me.

  • Set your personal goals

workout motivation

The first thing you must consider is the reason why you want to workout. Start by making realistic and specific goals. A vague goal would be, “to lose weight”. I mean, most of the times, that would be something people want to achieve. It’s better if you become more specific about it. Something more achievable and realistic is setting the goal, the timeframe, how much impact, etc.

A good goal setting example would be: I would like to lose 10% of my weight in a timeframe of 1-3 months. The reason why I give this example is because weight can fluctuate from time to time, due to different factors. Therefore, it is realistic to say you would start with a goal to lose 10% of your total weight than to say 4 lbs in a month.

  • Determine your workout lifestyle

Now it’s time to decide what will be the type of workout routine you’ll have. This depends on your physical condition, your goals and your lifestyle. If you are just starting out, go with baby steps. Experts usually recommend beginning with 30 minutes workout 3 times a week. Then, you can gradually increase frequency and intensity.This works especially well if you have a very hectic life. After some time, you’ll gain better condition and confidence to keep exercising.

Also, you want to choose something you enjoy doing. Don’t choose something that everybody else is doing. If you find pleasure in the exercise you do, then it will be easier to stay motivated and create a habit. This basically goes also with your goals. If you want to build muscles, then you want to be involved in lifting weights at a gym, for example. Are you the type that prefers outdoor exercises? Would you rather go for a run? Are you the one that chooses working out from home due to your busy schedule? Do you go to the gym? You make your choice.

  • Set a schedule and stick to it

This is a must when it comes to creating a workout regimen. Depending on your lifestyle, you want to decide what time of the day is best to exercise. It is scientifically proven that exercising during morning hours increases energy levels, productivity and allows to focus better in other important activities throughout the day than working out in the evening. However, if your life is very hectic, the best thing you can do is set aside the days of the week you will dedicate to workout and selec time slots.

Something that has worked well for me is scheduling the specific time for workouts in my daily planner. Nowadays, it is very easy to do this task with your smartphone. Set reminders, and keep workout activities as a priority to help you become eager to go. If you are the type of person that takes certain gym classes, then this should be very easy to write down.

  • Look for guidance from a fitness instructor or an experienced “fitness pal”

workout motivation

Looking for someone to help get you started on your fitness journey? Workout motivation starts with finding guidance and inspiration. Depending on your basic needs and goals, you should be properly assessed by a professional. This applies especially if you are looking for weight loss workout motivation. You should look up to someone who has experience in the field, like a fitness instructor, and why not, a person who already achieved the same results you are looking for.

A “fitness pal” can help boost your workout motivation. Since this is someone who went through the same journey as you, you can find inspiring tips and techniques that can be useful. An instructor is also important to guide you through your workout process. This person has a valuable input in helping you do exercises correctly without having any injuries. You can easily have access to these people at a gym. If you practice exercise at home, make sure you find good video tutorials from certified instructors.

  • Educate yourself: Follow workout inspiration trends

They say that the fitness journey is a world to itself and I agree. You never stop learning, there are always new trends, scientific findings and discoveries about fitness. Be sure to be on top of the latest workout motivation lifestyles, as well as benefits you can get. The idea is to learn more ideas on how to boost your active lifestyle and how to effectively achieve your fitness goals.

workout motivation
  • Workout motivation: Try finding a “workout buddy”

First, get your mindset on track

Do you often feel lazy or have a hard time staying motivated? First, I always recommend to write your objectives down and read them back every day. This is something that will keep you focused and help you stay on the right mindset. Also, when you feel like giving up, remember why you started. It’s as simple as that. You can do self-talk workout motivation. Use phrases like, “You’ve got this” or “You can do it.”

Get motivated with company

If you find it hard to stay in the exercise game, a workout motivation buddy is a good help. Team up with a friend who has the same goals like you, or it could be someone who has already been working out for some time. Since they already created the habit, these friends can help you out whenever you need some push. For instance, arranging with your buddy to meet for a fun run is an awesome way to get moving.


Your fitness journey starts at the moment you determine your health goals. Workout motivation would follow once you set your rules and pace to start your active lifestyle. If you are really serious about getting in shape, then set achievable timeframes and schedules. Look for guidance and inspiration from experts and people who can help you get further. Let me know your thoughts and comments on this. Share this article with your friends who may want to team up with you to get moving!

Z. Johnson

Passionate about helping and inspiring others to improve to a healthier lifestyle!

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