Functional nutrition Nutrition Tips

Probiotics: Getting the most benefits

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You may have heard about the term probiotics before, and guess it must refer to products with special value for your health. Now, there are more people diving into different types of products for health enhancement. These are one of the great superfoods. Fortunately, you can find them naturally in foods, and that is the best part. Here, I will explain more about the benefits and how you can maximize your wellbeing.

Probiotics are live bacteria that you find mostly in your digestive system. They aid in keeping a healthy gut function. In addition, these bacteria are key to boosting your immune system. You can get these from foods naturally, or from supplements. I highly recommend focusing on foods, since they are inexpensive sources and you get the most out of other nutrients in foods.

Fighting against disease

Probiotics are useful to keep your gut healthy in different ways. They help to maintain a balance between the “good “ and the “bad” bacteria. Probiotics also re  establish the “good” bacteria, that the body sometimes loses due to certain treatments and antibiotics. It is a great way of maintaining our gut defenses, therefore protecting our body.

Happy and healthy digestion

Probiotics are also known for helping in the process of digestion.  These promote normal gut movement. Researchers state that these are useful to treat certain digestive conditions, such as bloating, chronic diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, and inflammatory disease. If you suffer from any of these conditions, you may want to include probiotic foods in your regimen. It is better to start eating these food sources normally, for prevention and wellbeing.

Weight loss and less body fat

Did you know that you can also benefit by losing body fat with probiotics? Well, some recent research states that some bacteria in gut promote weight loss and body fat. Studies have found more presence of these types of bacteria in normal weight people than in obese people.

Another key factor is that some of these probiotics “slow down” the absorption of fat from food. There is a link between probiotics and types of hormones related to fat storage. Because of this, it is known that people can improve weight loss! There is a significant contribution to losing weight by eating these foods. In fact, that’s another reason to include these types of foods in your fitness regimen!

What are the benefits of probiotics for women’s health?

Consuming probiotics is also associated with:

  • Treating skin conditions:

Recent research shows that probiotics might also help with treating eczema, rosacea and acne.

  • Urinary and vaginal health:

You can prevent vaginal yeast infections, vaginosis, urinary infections and others related by consuming more probiotic foods.

  • Improve fertility:

There are also sources indicating that consuming good amounts of probiotics can improve your chances of getting pregnant.

  • Oral health

Since probiotics stimulate “good” bacteria growth in the body, these foods may also aid in keeping away harmful bacteria that speed up tooth decay.

How can I get probiotics?

There are different sources.  The healthiest and safest way to go is by choosing foods. The main foods rich in probiotics are dairy products. The USDA MyPlate recommends that adults should consume 3 cups of dairies a day. That would cover the daily requirements of calcium.  Here are some you shouldn’t miss out on:

Yogurt: Aim for natural yogurt, especially containing live cultures.

Kefir: This is a slightly fermented milk, similar to yogurt.

Soft cheeses: Delicious ones like cheddar, parmesan, swiss cheeses are good sources. Gouda, has a higher amount of probiotics.

Other foods:

Miso soup: Made of fermented soybean, is great for improving digestive immunity.  

Sauerkraut (fermented cabbage): It helps produce vitamin B12, riboflavin and folic acid in the body.

Kombucha: This trending drink is made of fermented red tea, that also provides good probiotics, improves the immune system and energy.

Natural pickles: The ones in which vinegar is not used in the fermenting process, add some good amount of beneficial bacteria for the gut.

To recap…

You have so many benefits with probiotics. Increasing the amount of healthy foods  gives you more nutrients. Another great thing is, these products benefit the gut flora.  Apart form that, you will boost your health, naturally. Well, the idea is to use food resources to prevent diseases. Aim to treat conditions in a safety way. Take advantage of these options and notice a difference in your wellbeing!

Z. Johnson

Passionate about helping and inspiring others to improve to a healthier lifestyle!

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