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Anxiety defeated: Nutrition and fitness strategies

anxiety and stress
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Anxiety and stress are very common conditions in modern lifestyle. It is said that these are among the top issues in mental health. Being stressed has different factors, as well as anxiety. Most of the reasons are related to lifestyle. However, when these problems become more often than normal, then we start to develop diseases that can even affect us physically.

Did you know that you can actually lower the risks and effects of anxiety with good nutrition? Also, evidence shows that exercise has a significant impact over stress. I will review some of the top strategies to beat anxiety and stress.

Anti- anxiety and stress nutrition tips


Some of the foods here are known for containing great amount of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. These are the top superfoods you must not miss from your diet.


  • Calcium:

We need calcium for a good balance in the nervous system, as well as for muscular contraction. This mineral is found in dairy products, soy, tofu, green veggies like broccoli.

  • Magnesium:

This mineral is important for the nervous system health. Studies indicate that people who eat foods rich in magnesium tend to control anxiety levels. Some rich food sources are leafy greens, such as spinach. Also, avocado, whole grains, nuts, oysters, etc.

  • B complex vitamins:

These are key to produce energy, boost our metabolism and function of the nervous system. B complex vitamins are found in a variety of foods, avocados, almonds, whole grains, meat, eggs, dairy products, cereals, and veggies.

  • Zinc:

This mineral is also associated with lowering anxiety and stress. The main sources are seafood; like oysters and fish, other foods like cashews, liver, beef, egg yolks, etc.

  • Omega-3:

This great nutrient is responsible for proper brain function. A study indicates that eating more omega 3 foods can lower anxiety. Because of this, you should be eating more fish like salmon and tuna, vegetable oils, nuts, chia seeds, soy and tofu.

  • Probiotic foods:

Rich sources like yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut and pickles also help to lower anxiety.

  • Antioxidants:

Foods rich in antioxidants are great  to prevent anxiety and stress. You can get antioxidants in fruits (especially the bright colored ones), vegetables, nuts, beans, and certain spices like ginger and turmeric.


Here are certain nutrition guidelines you must bear in mind.

  • Drink enough water:

Research proves that drinking enough water will avoid anxiety. Bear in mind that the advice is 8-10 glasses each day. If you workout, remember to drink before, during and after.

  • Do not skip meals:

One of the worst errors is to skip meals. Besides promoting a slower metabolism, you could also have more anxiety. Higher anxiety is related to late night food craving, thus, gaining weight.

  • Limit alcohol and caffeine intake:

Excess alcohol and caffeine leads to anxiety. Also, these can lower the absorption of vitamins and minerals. Do not drink more than 3 cups of coffee daily and limit alcohol intake.

  • Eat a lot of fiber:

Fiber makes you feel full, regulates your gut function and avoids cravings. You can find fiber in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

  • Limit the amount of salt and sugar:

Excess of salt increases blood pressure. A higher blood pressure is related to more anxiety. Sugar is another main reason why you may have more cravings. Therefore, limit the pastry, sweets, and carbonated drinks.

Eat less foods like bacon, mayonnaise, whole milk, butter and others. Remember that having too much of these lead to overweight, plus giving more anxiety.

  • Start your day with a good breakfast:

As we all know, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. We get all the nutrients and energy first thing in the morning. Skipping this important meal will make us crave for more food than we should. This happens especially after midday or even in the night.

  • Eat slowly:

Choking down the food can get you serious anxiety problems. Not only you affect your digestion, but also feel less full. Chewing slowly allows our body to digest the food correctly and provide satisfaction.

  • Eat 5-6 times a day:

Eat the right proportions. Make sure you are having at least your 3 main meals plus 2 snacks. This will regulate your digestion and lower anxiety. .

  • Plan and schedule your meals:

This is the most challenging part. But once you get organized and set a habit, no need to worry. Sticking to an eating schedule is important for your body to function properly. Good digestion means less anxiety.


anxiety and stress

Practice exercise regularly. This is the rule of thumb in active lifestyle to control anxiety. Living an active workout regimen can help you not only physically, but also emotionally. Workout can be in a variety of ways. You can also set your own pace and schedule. The most important part is to get going.


  • Stick to a routine: Focus on an exercise regimen that works best for you. There are tons of different exercises that you can do. Of course, you want to concentrate on what you like. Choose a workout style that you will feel comfortable with. As a result, this will increase your energy, boost your good mood and reduce stress.
  • Set a schedule: It is important to decide which type of schedule you want to follow. This will not only create a habit, but also help to coordinate your eating schedule. Not organizing your workouts and eating schedule can create more anxiety and stress.
  • anxiety and stressChoose cardio always: Cardio exercises are key to stimulate blood flow and circulation.  When your body receives enough oxygen, this releases “happiness hormones”. You are prone to less anxiety and your stress levels decrease.
  • Listen to music while working out: People have found out that listening to our favorite music can trigger wellness feelings. Combined with workout, it is a bomb for reducing anxiety and stress.
  • Consider other forms of workout: Exercises like yoga, meditation, relaxation and mindfulness are other techniques that help reduce anxiety and stress. People who practice these types of exercise experience peace, gratitude and wellbeing in general.

Reducing anxiety and stress is possible

You  can achieve better wellbeing as simple as just creating a healthy lifestyle. Balanced eating habits, along with regular exercises are major factors to reduce mental illness.  Therefore, aim to consume more superfoods. Stick to workout regimen and you will notice drastic results.

Anxiety and stress are part of our day to day life, our environment is surrounded with so many factors. But, you don’t have to let hectic life defeat your wellbeing! Get active, boost your healthy eating and share this with your loved ones who are in their journey! Feel free to comment below with your experiences and thoughts.

Z. Johnson

Passionate about helping and inspiring others to improve to a healthier lifestyle!

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