Functional nutrition Nutrition Tips

Cardio healthy superfoods: Best choices

cardio healthy superfoods
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When upgrading your health, you must think of protecting your heart. Our heart must be on track in order for us to have great fitness results and overall wellbeing. Eating healthy involves making good food choices so we can get the most benefits for our body. Having more cardio healthy superfoods will ensure proper blood flow. Also, this ensures that the rest of your body works right, and will prevent you from heart diseases.

Many foods out there contain substances that protect your heart naturally. Besides proper exercise and sleep,  you must choose foods that will boost your heart health. Additionally,  some of these foods are easy to get. Here is a list of my top cardio healthy superfoods recommendation.

Cardio healthy superfoods: Leafy green vegetables

Leafy greens are one of the best natural options to protect your heart. Green leafy vegetables such as kale, spinach and collard greens are excellent cardio healthy superfoods. These leafs have vitamins, minerals and antioxidants used to build blood. Apart from that, these foods are the main sources of vitamin K, which promotes proper blood clotting and protects your arteries. Another important mineral, magnesium, is important for blood formation. Studies show that these greens can help lower blood pressure and prevent heart disease.

Adding vitamin supplements to your healthy eating regimen will ensure you’re getting all the essential nutrients for your body and that your metabolism is in check. I am currently taking Whole Food Women’s Multivitamin, from the Vitamin Shoppe. This is one of my favorite natural metabolism and immune system boosters. You can get Whole Food Women’s Multivitamin at 10% discount here.

Bright colorful fruits and veggies

Other effective cardio healthy superfoods are the bright colorful fruits and veggies. Some examples, are carrots, bell peppers and tomatoes. These foods are loaded with antioxidants. In addition, these are rich sources of vitamins A,  C, and other antioxidants. For example, tomatoes have lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that helps to fight against free radicals, reducing the risk of inflammation in your cells. Therefore, this process is what causes the risk of heart disease and high blood pressure.

You can also take advantage of superblends or superfood smoothies. These foods are packed with so much nutrition value and benefits, that you won’t want to miss including these in your healthy eating regimen. I tried Splendid Spoon superblends, and I love that they have superfoods, are fully plant-based and help boost your metabolism. You can easily have them for a quick meal replacement, post-workout smoothie, or simply as a complete snack. These smoothies are perfect for busy people, who are always on-the-go. Splendid spoon offers many flavors and bundles, plus deliver right to your door. Get 15% off here.

Whole grains are great cardio healthy superfoods

Contrary to popular belief, whole grains are excellent cardio healthy superfoods. Whole grains are an excellent source of fiber. This component is known for helping to reduce bad cholesterol (LDL) and lower the risk of heart disease. Studies show that eating more whole grains will benefit your heart. This is one of the best benefits of the vegan diet. In short, the plant-based eating lifestyle contains many cardio healthy superfoods, due to the high amount of whole grains.

Avocados are one of the best cardio healthy superfoods

Avocados are everyone’s favorite fruit. These cardio healthy superfoods are excellent sources of unsaturated fat. In other words, these foods help to avoid you arteries from being blocked. In fact, eating avocados regularly will help to reduce the levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) and the risk of heart disease. Additionally, avocados help to increase the good cholesterol (HDL). As well, people who suffer from blood pressure must eat more of this heart healthy superfood.


cardio healthy superfoods

You can’t go wrong with nuts either! Besides being great plant-based snacks, these are great source of protein. Nuts also have healthy fats that will protect your heart. Some great examples are walnuts and almonds, which are excellent sources of minerals like magnesium, copper, and manganese. Nuts contain unsaturated fats, which help to lower the effect of bad cholesterol (LDL), prevent the risk of heart disease, lower blood pressure and  increase good cholesterol (HDL).

Vegetable oils

Vegetable oils make a great option to protect your heart. These types of oils should be used regularly for cooking and as ingredient for dressings. Vegetable oils are the main sources of unsaturated fat, which bring down the risk of bad cholesterol. Olive oil is a great example. It is full of antioxidants and monounsaturated fats that protect the heart.

Berries: Other great cardio healthy superfoods

Berries are special fruits that contain a lot of antioxidants, like anthocyanins. Apart from being a satisfying food, berries are a good low-calorie dessert.  These fruits play an important role in heart health. Research indicates that eating more berries can significantly decrease the levels of heart disease. This is due to antioxidants that prevent the risk of inflammation. Some good examples include strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and blackberries.

Dark chocolate

This snack is also part of the cardio healthy superfoods. Dark chocolate contains powerful antioxidants, the flavonoids. These substances help boost heart health. Eating dark chocolate,  can significantly prevent the risk of developing heart disease. Furthermore, the antioxidants in dark chocolate can help to avoid fat build-up in the arteries, improving blood flow.

Fatty fish

Fish and fish oil are top cardio health superfoods. These are the main sources of omega-3, which is an essential fat. Omega-3 has heart protecting properties. These substances prevent inflammation. Therefore, this reduces the risk of heart disease. Fish oil reduces triglycerides, bad cholesterol and high blood pressure. Salmon fish is one of the richest sources of omega-3.


Seeds like chia, flax seeds, sesame, and hemp seeds are rich sources of fiber. These superfoods are also sources of omega-3. These cardio healthy superfoods help to lower the risk of high blood pressure, bad cholesterol and other unhealthy fats that can clog your arteries. Apart from that, hemp seeds contain arginine, a substance that has properties to reduce inflammation.


Garlic is commonly used as a natural remedy for many health issues. One of the best uses is against heart blood pressure. Garlic has components that help reduce  bad cholesterol levels. For instance, some studies show that garlic can help to prevent blood clots and heart stroke. To get the most of its benefits, it’s best if eaten raw.

Did you know that a good cup of coffee full of adaptogens can also boost your energy? I’ve had Krios Coffee Brilliance Blend. This is my top choice, since it boosts your energy without the negative side effects of caffeine. Also, I recommend this coffee because it’s infused with vitamins and adaptogens (natural superfood blends), which enhance your focus and memory. Other benefits include:

  • Stress and anxiety relief
  • Immune system boosters
  • No jitters no energy crash

Green tea

cardio healthy superfoods

By far, green tea has become one of the best superfoods. Green tea, especially, matcha, has many health benefits. This type of tea has many antioxidants that boost the metabolism. Drinking more green tea promotes body fat burn. Apart from that, more fat burn avoids heart disease. Also, green tea promotes better blood circulation, and better brain function .  Basically,  green tea helps to reduce blood pressure. It also lowers bad cholesterol and keeps your heart healthy.

The bottom line…

Consume more heart healthy superfoods, not only to protect your heart, but to improve your body’s function overall. As you can see, you can easily get these foods. There are cheap, easy to find options. Last, the best part, is they are all natural! Let me know in the comments if you eat these foods regularly. Share this guide with your friends!

Disclaimer: This post includes affiliate links, and I will earn a commission if you purchase through these links. Please note that I’ve linked to these products purely because I recommend them and they are from companies I trust. There is no additional cost to you.

Z. Johnson

Passionate about helping and inspiring others to improve to a healthier lifestyle!

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