Nutrition Tips Smart choices

How to stop binge eating now with these top tips

how to stop binge eating
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Let’s talk about the infamous binge-eating cycle for a moment. Many people who are going through a physical transformation, whether it is to lose weight or a fitness journey, have somewhat experienced struggles with cravings. For some, it may be more difficult to break the cycle. If you’ve been struggling with excessive cravings, or to maintain a healthy weight without being obsessed over food, then it’s time you shift certain patterns that may sabotage your health journey. The good news is, it doesn’t have to be difficult. I’ll show you how to stop binge eating now with these simple, powerful tactics. 

Binge eating vs emotional eating: Are they the same?

No, they are not! In my previous post about emotional eating, I addressed some of the triggers that cause us to sometimes crave certain foods that make us feel good. Emotional eating may cause you to feel guilt or shame if you overdo it. It is certainly an issue if it’s a constant thing in your life. But, in most cases, occasional emotional eating is not related to guilt, rather with happiness and satisfaction. 

On the other hand, binge eating is mostly related to overeating after being deprived of certain foods, AKA your body in “starvation mode”. Binge eating usually happens as a result of strict “dieting” and fitness regimen. Now, this may sound controversial to you. I’m not saying that you shouldn’t eat clean and embrace healthier food choices, I’m talking about going to the extremes. Starving yourself only causes you to increase cravings and store fat. That’s when you when you are at risk of bingeing. But, I’ll unfold how easy it is to stop binge eating. 

How to stop binge eating: The cycle that keeps you stuck

Say for example, you started your own fitness/ weight loss journey recently. You decided to do that “popular fad diet”. You felt good at the beginning because you started cutting out entire foods groups and doing full day cleanses. Then, you started to lose weight! The strategy worked right?! Of course, it does! 

But, wait, not so fast! After some weeks, you dropped some pounds but started to feel more tired than usual, and now you are craving sugary food! That food that you labeled as “bad” or “forbidden”… Then, you couldn’t control it and you kept craving more… After that, you noticed your weight skyrocketed again and now you feel guilt. 

Let’s put another example. You are seriously looking to get shredded and burn fat, plus build muscle. So, you learn how to eat healthier, make better choices, but you take it to the extreme of over counting macros, cutting out entire food groups and even over exercising to punish your body for eating over the weekend. You even start avoiding certain social gatherings because you may feel guilty of eating outside of your normal perfect routine. 

Bottom line,

Hope this is not you! Seriously! But, if you can relate to this, you may be dealing with the effects of yo-yo dieting and obsession. That’s the main reason why a lot of people feel frustrated, thinking that diets don’t work. Added to that, there is this sense that a healthy lifestyle happen with quick instant fixes. Remember, that all extremes are bad! How to stop binge eating depends not only on your mindset, but also on habits and lifestyle changes. There are ways in which you can achieve the same results in good physique, better mental health and lifelong wellness without falling into stress or obsessions. 

How to stop binge eating now and for good!

Eating enough of the high quality whole foods is key!

Focusing on making better food choices is the most effective way to reduce triggers to bingeing. Forget about heavy restrictions that require you to cut out entire food groups. Unless you have a specific dietary condition or food allergy, you should see a nutritionist first. Doing severe diet restrictions would not only compromise your mental health, but also do serious damage to your metabolism. If you are looking to shed fat, this is definitely a no no.

Getting more protein foods, healthy fats and fiber is one of the main goals to keep your body working to its best. And it’s not just about burning fat and increasing your muscle mass. It also has to do with regulating your hunger, improving your gut health, revving up that metabolism, making you feel full and therefore, cutting down those sugar cravings. I have a thorough guide on this here.

Balance and mindfulness are keys to a healthy eating approach

I’m never tired of stressing how important it is to achieve a balanced mindset. Developing the right mindset around food, fitness, and health is essential to prevent eating disorders. If you focus on developing a healthier relationship with food, then you’ll have less urges of bingeing. 

Instead of demonizing foods, shift your mindset towards choosing more whole foods and minimizing processed. It’s more of proportions rather than restrictions. Forget about “cheat days” and just understand that you have a right to have delicious treats now and then. That way, when you go to a social gathering, especially now during the holidays, you won’t feel that guilt of enjoying in a healthy way. 

Also, listen to your body! Are you eating because you’re hungry or just because you crave food? Learning to tune into your body is also key on how to stop binge eating. Identify when you are full and when you are hungry. Practice more intuitive eating, which is also very effective for weight loss

Give priority to other lifestyle habits

As I’ve mentioned before in other posts, health is much more than eating healthy and  working out. As well, having good mental health will help you achieve a balanced positive lifestyle. Therefore, cultivate other habits that don’t revolve around food. Thinking too much about food everytime causes obsessive compulsive behavior. 

Have you tried meditation? Yoga? Or any other type of fun fitness class?  Also, set some time to develop other interests that will boost your mental and physical health. It’ also important that you identify the triggers that cause you to overeat. This is key on how to stop binge eating. Keep a journal if you need, or simply looks for creative ways to deal with stress. 

Get rid of the “quick fixes” mentality

Get in the mindset of developing healthy lasting habits, instead of quick fixes. Consistent healthy habits go a long way. It is also better than achieving perfection, which hardly lasts. Celebrate constant progress. You shouldn’t feel like you have to do drastic changes that compromise your emotional or mental health. Focus on achieving each step at a time. This is the key on how to stop binge eating and how to create long term success. 

Meal planning works!

I’ve also related meal planning as a safe, effective strategy to be successful in your fitness journey. When you plan your meals ahead of time, or get ready for your food budget, you’re not only saving money but you avoid overspending in last minute food cravings all the time. When you lack planning, you tend to dine more out and make less balanced food choices. But, this doesn’t have to be the case. Check out more on my dining out guide here

Train because you love your body, not because you hate it!

I simply love working out regularly because I’m able to enhance my physique, stay healthier, gain more confidence and happiness. And so should you! Exercise should not be seen as a punishment for overeating or because you feel guilty. It’s time to ditch that mentality and start embracing regular workouts as a self love act. Also, look for guidance when it comes to training for your body type and goals. Working out regularly reduces the tendency of binge eating. 


How to stop binge eating is not complicated, at all! All you need to do is focus on getting rid of damaging “obsessive and extreme” behaviors. Make peace with food and exercise, find ways to deal with anxiety and release your mind from guilt and shame. Once you learn how to make sound food choices every day, you nurture other health habits, you’ll naturally cut down on cravings and food obsessions. If you still struggle… Look for guidance! I am here to help with your healthy eating and wellness goals! Remember that sharing is caring! Let me know your thoughts in the comments below! 

Z. Johnson

Passionate about helping and inspiring others to improve to a healthier lifestyle!

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