Functional nutrition Nutrition Tips

The Ultimate gluten free diet guide

gluten free diet
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If you are celiac and you’re having a hard time finding food choices, this information is for you. Celiac disease is a condition that has limited a lot of food options for many people. The great news is that now there are varieties of options and products available to make your life easier. The best thing is that you can have access to inexpensive choices if you have a limited budget. Let’s go through some of the top recommendations for a gluten free diet.

Why a gluten free diet?

gluten free diet

Gluten is the protein found in cereal grains such as wheat, rye or barley. In celiac disease, the gut lacks an enzyme needed to digest this component. As a consequence, people who are celiacs suffer from many digestive disorders and discomfort. Such conditions are diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pain and bloating, nausea and vomiting. For most people, having this disease is very overwhelming. Not only due to the diet limitations, but because of the fear of eating “hidden” gluten ingredients in processed foods.

The way to go about a gluten free diet is to first get an exam by your doctor. Receive a proper diagnosis and treatment from your physician. A check up normally includes a biopsy. Once you are confirmed as celiac, go to your nutritionist for individual assessment and special meal plans.

As you may know, gluten free diet is also becoming a trend, like being vegan. There is nothing wrong in deciding not to consume gluten, as the gluten free diet is very similar to a regular healthy eating regimen, with certain limitations. However, if you don’t have any problems with gluten, there is no need to go on a gluten free diet.

Gluten free diet advice

This eating lifestyle limits certain foods, mostly from the carbs or cereals group. Here are some of the foods you should avoid:

  • Wheat
  • Barley
  • Rye
  • Other grain varieties including einkorn, emmer, spelt and kamut
  • Cross-bred grain varieties, for example, triticale (mixture between wheat and rye)
  • Wheat forms and derivatives, like wheat bran, wheat germ, cracked wheat, hydrolyzed wheat protein
  • All flours that contain wheat: all-purpose flour, white flour, bromated flour, enriched flour, phosphated flour, self-rising flour, durum, flour, farina, semolina and graham flour.
  • Processed foods: like bread, breakfast cereals, cookies, dough, pretzels, cakes, anything else that has regular flour as an ingredient.
gluten free diet

Oats? it depends. Many celiac people can tolerate small amounts of gluten in oats. There are modified gluten free oats available that you can choose. The label must specify that it is a “gluten free” product. According to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, the label in these types of foods should read “The wheat has been processed to allow this food to meet the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requirements for gluten-free foods.”

Foods you can eat:

For those who are following a gluten free diet, the similar recommendations of a normal healthy diet apply. The only difference is that you should avoid the grains and cereals mentioned above. These suggestions are budget- friendly.  Here you have foods that you can easily find at your local grocery store or farmer’s market.

gluten free diet
  • Fruits and vegetables: Here you can include all varieties, forms, types and sizes. You can choose fresh or frozen, go for the fresh options to get all the nutrients.
  • Protein: Aim for good quality protein sources. Remember that you have both animal and plant based proteins. For the animal protein group; you can choose poultry, fish, meats, and eggs. Plant based proteins you can choose from may be nuts, seeds, and beans.
  • Dairy products: Choose the low-fat dairy options. Here you can include yogurt, milk, and cheeses.
  • Grains: There are some grains in this group you can easily consume. Corn and rice are very good options. Another great fact is, they are available in whole-grain form, such as the whole-grain rice. Apart from that,  Quinoa, which is also a great protein grain, is one of the top choices you should include in your gluten free diet.

Other modified foods:

gluten free diet

You can also take advantage of the gluten free foods in the supermarket. Additionally, you can find different kinds of varieties, from snacks, cereals, breads, baked goods, sauces, dressings and soups. As a matter of fact, these are usually found in the gluten free section. You can go safe on these, once you have checked the label to ensure no prohibited ingredients are listed. Most of these products are based on corn, potatoes, rice or plantain as base ingredient.

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Final considerations and meal planning:

  • Check with your nutritionist. There is no better advice than one from a professional. Also, make sure you consider your eating lifestyle likes and dislikes. Therefore, it will be easier for you. By getting a personalized meal plan, you will get the best recommendations to avoid mistakes.
  • Plan ahead of time and set your budget.
  • When you go shopping, always check the food labels. Make sure to read all the ingredients thoroughly, and compare the foods.
  • Buy in bulk whenever you can, as these foods may not be available all the time, especially the processed or derivatives.
  • Meal prep accordingly.
  • Follow good food storage practices.
  • Look for gluten free diet recipes and cookbooks. It is a good idea to have resources handy for a balanced eating lifestyle.


Just remember that having a gluten free diet is not as difficult as before. Look for proper guidance and professional advice from a nutritionist. Also, follow proper guides for shopping, prepping and storing, to ensure food safety. Get yourself some guides to read food labels. If you need professional advice and personalized assessment, do not hesitate to contact me at my email in the Services section.

Happy health!

Disclaimer: This post includes affiliate links, and I will earn a commission if you purchase through these links. Please note that I’ve linked to these products purely because I recommend them and they are from companies I trust. There is no additional cost to you.

Z. Johnson

Passionate about helping and inspiring others to improve to a healthier lifestyle!

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