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How a healthy mindset can boost a healthy weight

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Having a healthy weight definitely goes way beyond just losing weight. It has to do with having a great weight in which you feel comfortable in. Being in a healthy weight also means that you have a reduced risk of suffering from other health complications related to weight gain or underweight. But, apart from that, did you also know that having a healthy weight is related to a healthy state of mind? That’s right! It goes both ways. If you develop a healthy mindset, this can be a huge plus towards your healthy weight goals. As well, having a healthy weight will help to boost your confidence and self- esteem. Today, I’m breaking down how a healthy mindset can help you have a healthy weight. 

Healthy mindset first step: Free of guilt and shame can boost a healthy weight

When you have a mindset that is free of guilt and shame, you focus on the positive side of achieving a healthy weight. You stop worrying about “overeating” during the weekend, or demonizing certain foods considered as occasional treats. You learn to embrace balance in your life in a healthy way. When you develop a healthy mindset around food and your body, you know that there will be imperfections and that there is always room for improvement. Having a healthy mindset will help you acknowledge the way your body is at the present time without shame, but also help you work towards improving it.

Loving yourself is a healthy mindset towards achieving a healthy weight

Loving yourself is the first thing you should do. As the famous phrase says, “I workout because I love my body, not because I hate it”. When you love yourself, you are at peace with your body. You accept that you may need to make changes in order to achieve a better version of your body, mind and soul. Eating healthier should be on your priority list because you want to nourish your body the right way. This means that I’m not willfully “dieting” or punishing myself because of body hate. That’s the difference between the healthy mindset about improving yourself and the toxic mentality of doing trendy “fad diets”.

Having a healthy mindset towards a healthy weight also means to honor your body

By honoring your body, you acknowledge the importance of taking care of it. Anyways, it’s the only place we have to live in. Therefore, you nourish it accordingly and avoid excess of poor food choices. This also goes beyond food and water. By staying away from toxic substances, such as drugs, you can definitely achieve a healthy weight faster and long term than you think. 

You honor your body by also developing a healthy environment. Believe it or not, when we are surrounded by constant stress, negativity lack of access to good food resources, or confined for a long time, our body weight suffers. Ensuring a good environment is also key to being successful in achieving a healthy weight. 

You develop a healthy discipline in your life

Let’s talk a little about discipline. I know you may have heard that being disciplined is key to a good weight loss. If you have a disciplined workout lifestyle, you’ll have those muscle gains. How certainly true is that! I’m sure we all agree. But what makes you develop that discipline? What is the force that drives you to wake up everyday at 5am to go for that morning run? When it comes to these questions, I always turn to the “why”. It’s that inner force that makes you become conscious of how important it is to live a healthier life. Self-love, motivation, drive, goal seeking, these are all attitudes that determine how disciplined you’ll be. Discipline is much more than just having “willpower”, it’s the determination to achieve a better you, no matter what. 

A healthy mindset involves you making better food choices

If your mindset is about being healthier and taking better care of your body for good, then you’ll start making better food choices, effortlessly. I started paying more attention to the food choices I had to make in order to lose body fat and get fitter. And didn’t mean I stopped enjoying social life, it just made become more intuitive about my eating and choosing food based on quality, not calories. When you learn about what nutrients are in each food, rather than just how much calories they add, it’s easier to make better sound choices. It’s not about the scale only, it’s about the composition. What matters here is that you value food for what it can positively do for your body. Here is a guide on healthy snacks for weight loss. 

Positive self talk and motivation are essential in a healthy mindset for a healthy weight

Do you practice self talk? Being motivated is more than just having a schedule, doing meal prep and trying to stick to it. As a matter of fact, it all starts with a positive mindset. Fitness definitely boosts mental health for the better. Waking up every morning with the mindset that no matter what happens, you’ll make the best of it is a champion attitude. I like to think about positive phrases, motivate myself with some good songs and even practice meditation. 

Get rid of negative comparison and stereotypes

Constant comparison can be mentally draining, my friend. Trust me, if you’re reading this, I’m sure you can agree we’ve all done this. But, don’t get me wrong. There is nothing bad with having a role model or someone you look up to for their healthy living. This can be a form of motivation for you. However, things can get messy when you constantly compare yourself to others, belittling your own self. Try to focus on you and don’t look up to others as better than you, as we all have different journeys and are not perfect. 

Fitness becomes your passion, not your obligation

Another way how a healthy mindset can help you have a healthy weight is by seeing fitness and something that you love. You must enjoy each step of the journey. Personally, fitness has become more than a duty to stay healthy. Fitness is like a hobby for me. I always have a schedule for my workouts, just as if I were to go to the beach. It makes me feel so good and energized. Besides burning calories and boosting your lean mass, fitness will help to boost your body image and confidence. 

You set realistic goals and expectations

When you are realistic about where you are and where you want to be in your fitness journey, you don’t set yourself up for disappointments. Living a healthier life involves you being conscious about the now and not going for unrealistic weight changes. For example, fad diets promote quick weight loss results that oftentimes are unsustainable. It may sound too good to be true, and it usually is. A healthy weight is achieved and maintained with consistent healthy habits, along with a positive mindset. 

Giving up is not an option!

Another way how a healthy mindset can help you have a healthy weight is by being perseverant. I know it sounds easy, and well, there is no perfect road in a fitness journey. But, part of having this mindset is understanding that you will face challenges along the way. You will not always be motivated. Some days you’ll feel lazy. Other days, you may be stressed out. And then, there will be days when you’ll be on vacation or in a business trip and may not have much time to work out. Either way, once you develop a healthy balanced lifestyle, these things should not bother you. It’s matter of taking up back the routine you always have and enjoy the process. 


A healthy mindset can help you have a healthy weight. As a matter fact, the journey towards a body transformation starts with a healthy mindset. Work on your own mental health and set a positive pace to get things going. You’ll feel better and you’ll start seeing lasting results in your life with a healthier approach. How are you working on a healthy mindset to have a healthy weight? Let me know your thoughts in the comment section below. Share this with someone who needs a blast of good energy!

Z. Johnson

Passionate about helping and inspiring others to improve to a healthier lifestyle!

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