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A professional facial is not a luxury. See why

professional facial
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There is no secret that getting a facial done at a spa or clinic will make you look and feel so good. But, many people still wonder if getting a professional facial regularly is worth the hype. The truth is, there are endless benefits to getting a professional facial done. Believe it or not, a good facial can leave you both physically and mentally healthier than you were before you got one. However, if you think that a professional facial is luxury or you still question if it’s necessary, keep reading.

Why you need a professional facial regularly

You can cleanse and exfoliate your face at home. You could apply a facial mask from the store. As well, you could dip your face in a steaming bowl of herb water (careful with getting burns). You can even try to do your own extractions (which, by the way, I never recommend if you don’t have the equipment to heal the scars). But, no matter what you do at home, it will never be compared to the deep cleansing and renewal that your skin gets during a professional treatment.

Having a professional facial will get you results beyond just the treatment. The main goal of a professional facial is to heal your skin, treat any underlying conditions and improve the skin health overall. So, the cores of a facial treatment are cleansing, exfoliation and sun protection. Besides that, an esthetician will apply procedures to promote more collagen in your skin, increase hydration, reduce inflammation or heal conditions like acne.

What is done during a professional facial?

Based on personal experience, some people fear getting a professional facial because they think it’s invasive. Which is far from the truth. Some folks say “I don’t put anything on my skin” thinking that the facial procedures can create damage. You’re actually doing more harm than good by not taking proper care of your skin with a professional. Trust me, there is no such thing that is “invasive” on the skin, unless it’s injections by cosmetic surgeons or dermatologists, and that is a different level.

What will they do to my face?

Far from the hype you see on tv ads and social media, a professional facial is not cucumbers, creams and mud masks. First of all, we’ll do a skin assessment to determine your skin condition, see what your lifestyle habits are, to determine what kind of treatment and products you’ll need. During the initial consultation, you’ll get to ask questions, explain any skin issues that you may have, or mention any allergies you have.

After you go through the consultation, the esthetician will do your professional facial.

Cleansing and exfoliation:

These are the most important steps of facial treatment. The main goal is to remove all the dead skin, toxins, buildup and excess oil. Deep cleansing promotes renewal of your skin cells. During these stages, you’ll get your skin treated with high quality products and tools like brushes, manual exfoliators, etc. You may also have some steam applied to your face. Warm temperature helps to open the pores on your skin and it cleans thoroughly. It also prepares the skin for the next steps so that you get the most of the treatment.

Skin correction:

Your esthetician may perform extractions so that you get rid of blackheads, comedones, acne, excess oil, etc. There are special tools for this so that your skin doesn’t scar or sore. It is not the same if you do this at home. Plus, after that, you’ll have other procedures done to heal the skin after the extractions. Many other tools are used during this stage to help correct the skin, like microdermoabrasion, high frequency, etc. Whether you have oily skin, blemishes, fine lines, blackheads, dehydrated skin, etc, you’ll get the treatment to correct those problems.


This is my favorite part of the facial, as we apply the necessary products and tools to make your skin glowing. If you’ve heard of the plasma pen, hydrafacial or other procedures, this step helps to enhance your skin’s moisture. Serums, face masks, and other quality products are applied on the skin not only for it to look good but to heal it after a deep cleansing and treatment. Toning the skin is also very important to help improve your skin pores and even your tone.

Skin protection: 

Getting a facial massage not only provides relaxation but it improves blood circulation, oxygenates the skin and gets all those nutrients that your face needs. Besides making your skin firmer, protecting your skin includes conditioning ingredients to soothe and renew the skin.

Will I have side effects from a professional facial?

If you have sensitive skin, you may experience some mild redness, due to the deep cleansing and procedure done on your face. But, this will go away shortly after. After a facial, your esthetician should give you advice on what follow up routine and products to use at home. Also, your professional will recommend some lifestyle habits to improve your skin health. Don’t worry about applying anything else on your skin after the facial, you can continue with your regular routine, including your foundation. 

How often should I get a professional facial?

This really depends on your skin condition and needs, but typically, once a month is the ideal goal. If you’re not able to visit your spa on a monthly basis, try to go at least 3 to 4 times a year. You also want to have a proper skincare routine at home. Bear in mind that taking proper care of your skin will get you the results you need, make it glow, keep it healthy and slow down premature aging.

What products do you recommend to use at home?

 There is a vast majority of products out there for every skin need. I transitioned to clean beauty, which is the best decision I’ve ever made. Clean beauty products are vegan, animal-cruelty free and free of toxic ingredients. I always recommend them to my clients as well, because of the amazing results I’ve seen on my skin. I personally love using skincare routines from The Detox Market. You can check out my previous review on these products in this post. You can get a 10% discount off your first purchase here:


Getting a professional facial is a must if you want to get supple and healthy skin. It’s important to follow up with a proper skincare routine at home. Make sure you visit your esthetician and get the right assessment. You’ll get the best treatment by a professional. How often do you get a professional facial? Comment below. Sharing is caring!

Z. Johnson

Passionate about helping and inspiring others to improve to a healthier lifestyle!

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