Nutrition Tips Real talk/ facts

Protein shakes before or after workout?

protein shakes before or after workout
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It’s that time of the year, when people start to get their body goals together. Whether you recently joined the gym or are exercising from home, you can’t help but to ask about adding that protein shake to your routine. To top it off, all your gym bros, the personal trainer, the “fitfluencers” and everyone else around you seems to be into the trend of protein powders. So, you can’t help but to buy into the idea of the hyped up diet industry or to wonder if this is even necessary to achieve your goals. If you’ve been wondering whether you should drink protein shakes before or after workout, I got you covered. 

Note: All of the information I share on this post is backed up by research and expert advice.

Are protein shakes even necessary

The golden questions… Do we really need to spend those extra bucks on protein powders? What if I choose not to add protein shakes and just stick to food? Will I still have results with my body transformation if I don’t add protein shakes? The answers to these are really… It depends! Sorry but there are no right or wrong answers, or anything written on stone, but straight facts about using protein shakes before or after workout.

In a previous post about supplements, I explained whether or not you need to include them in your diet. Check out the blog article.

Facts about protein

Your body needs protein for muscle repair and growth. That’s why many people run to using protein shakes before or after workout, so that they can have their needs met. However, the optimal time to have a protein shake is still up for debate. Besides that, how much protein a person needs also depends on different factors.

Protein is also essential to boost your metabolism. Whether you are trying to lose weight, build muscle, improve your digestion or burn belly fat, protein is a must on a daily basis. As a matter of fact, protein is the number one nutrient that you should cover in your diet.

Protein is also one of the most satiating macros. That ‘s why it is so effective when you’re trying to cut down on sugar cravings.  Not eating enough protein in your diet is related to adding more carbs, especially the overprocessed (simple carbs). This will cause you to overeat, gain belly fat, develop metabolic problems and even grain weight.

Reality about protein intake

The sad reality is that people nowadays are not eating enough protein in their diet. This is especially true for women. So, adding protein shakes before or after workout regularly can help cover those needs that are not normally met through foods only. Now, when to add that extra protein shake really depends on your personal health goals and nutritional needs.

Read more: 40 high protein low calorie snacks that beat cravings

How much protein do I really need?

The daily requirement for protein is typically 0.36 grams per pound (0.8 grams per kg) of body weight. Now, this is just an estimate. Basically, the RDA is the average amount a person needs to avoid a deficiency. But, it doesn’t specify the amount needed to optimize how your body works. 

Actually, research suggests that people who regularly strength train may need to double the estimated protein requirement, in other words, 0.72 grams per pound (1.6 grams per kg), to support muscle recovery and growth. 

For example, if you weigh 150 pounds (68 kg), this equals a minimum of 109 grams of protein per day.

What you can do in this case, is spread this amount over 3-4 meals, consumed every 3-4 hours. 

Adding a protein shake would be a good alternative between meals, either as a snack or around your workouts. Protein powders usually contain about 25-30 grams of protein per scoop. For that reason, protein shakes are convenient.

Should I drink protein shakes before or after workout?

The truth is whether you should have a protein shake before or after workouts isn’t always clear. The fact is that there are many benefits of adding these around your workout routines. In the end, it all “depends on your goals and when you ate your last meal prior to working out,” according to Marie Spano, M.S., R.D., C.S.C.S., consulting sports nutritionist for the Atlanta Braves and lead author of Nutrition for Sport, Exercise, and Health.

Another thing is that whether you workout in the morning or in the evening, the best recommendation is to evenly spread out your protein intake. In other words, don’t focus on only having protein shakes before or after workout, but rather making sure you eat enough during the day.

A study showed that whether you drink a protein shake before or after your workout may not affect muscle strength or size. 

Also when it comes to deciding when or not to drink protein shakes, consider personal preferences. You may choose to do it before you hit the gym, as well as you could do it after. The bottom line is there is no hard and fast rule to follow, because each body is different, and so are workout regimens ,goals, digestion, and workout times.

That being said, here are some interesting things to consider about drinking protein shakes before or after workout.

Protein shakes before workout? Some facts

Ok, so, you decide that having protein shakes before hitting your sweat session works better for you. The main benefit is that this will ramp up the muscle-building process. Protein can also help curb hunger, especially if you didn’t start your day with a strong meal before exercise. In general, drinking a protein shake before sweating can help you meet your daily intake.

On the other hand, if you have a sensitive stomach and can’t digest protein powder well, it might upset your stomach. In that case, a hydrolyzed protein powder might work better for you if you’re prone to gut issues. The benefit of these types of powders is that their amino acids are smaller so that the protein is easier to digest.

Another thing is you may want to consider quality carbs as the top source of energy during moderate to higher-intensity workouts, like lifting weights. A good example would be a protein shake with fruit and oatmeal.

Protein shakes after workout? Some facts

One of the major pros is that the faster you eat protein after your workout, the faster you’ll begin the muscle recovery process. Protein shakes are also a good choice for a quick post-workout snack because they are easier to digest than a full-blown meal. Sometimes we may not have a heavy appetite or time after a workout to craft a meal. Besides that, drinking a protein shake after a workout can help replenish lost fluids from sweating.

Also, think about the type of protein powder you choose. Experts recommend proteins from milk (whey, casein, and milk protein concentrate and isolate) over other proteins on the market because they’re high-quality and complete. If you are vegan, you can also find good alternatives. You can also add carbs in your post-workout shake (3:1 of protein) as ideal.

Read more: How to make the best homemade protein shakes

Daily protein intake is more important

Regardless of the type of physical activity you have, covering your protein intake is a must. Focusing on getting protein from foods should be the main goal. You could spend money on protein powders, but if the rest of the foods you eat during the day are poor, then it’s useless. So, bear that in mind. You can also focus on other types of snacks that are high in protein. You don’t have to rely only on protein shakes when you workout.

Make sure each of your main meals have protein servings: breakfast, lunch and dinner. How much protein you eat in a day is more important than when you consume it for gaining muscle size and strength.

How to meet your daily protein intake

There’s different types of protein foods that can help you meet your needs. Eating enough protein during the day should not be hard, because most of these foods are affordable. You should add both plant-based and animal based protein foods. If you feel that eating protein through foods alone is difficult, then adding some shakes to your regimen is your best bet. 

Here are the best protein options in the market:

Read more: Increase protein intake  with these easy hacks!

Apart from protein, adding vitamin supplements to your healthy eating regimen will ensure you’re getting all the essential nutrients for your body and that your metabolism is in check. I am currently taking Whole Food Women’s Multivitamin, from the Vitamin Shoppe. This natural supplement is one of the best that I’ve tried. It’s made of a blend of plant-based ingredients and free of artificial preservatives. It’s perfect for women’s health, because of all the essential vitamins and minerals it has. This is one of my favorite natural metabolism and immune system boosters. Remember that when you nourish your body the right way, your metabolism will work more efficiently. That way, you’ll burn more body fat and stay toned. You can get Whole Food Women’s Multivitamin at 10% discount here.


You can have protein shakes before or after workout. The differences are minimal in terms of the effects in your body. What really matters is that you eat enough protein during the day through real food. Remember that you have a variety of foods to choose from and quality protein powder options. Are you going to add protein shakes to your regimen? Comment below. Sharing is caring!

Disclaimer: This post includes affiliate links, and I will earn a commission if you purchase through these links. Please note that I’ve linked to these products purely because I recommend them and they are from companies I trust. There is no additional cost to you.

Z. Johnson

Passionate about helping and inspiring others to improve to a healthier lifestyle!

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