Lifestyle Self-care tips

10 self-care tips to make yourself a priority today

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So, it’s the month in which we celebrate love! And why not embrace also the importance of loving ourselves deeply as we deserve? Often times, our fast-paced lives have made us forget about taking care of ourselves the right way. We are always taking on so much, willing to be there for others, but what about us? And, contrary to what society taught you, making yourself a priority is a must if you want to truly enjoy a whole wellbeing. Symptoms of burnout, stress, boredom, anxiety, lack of motivation are red flags that tell us there is some urgent need to take better care of ourselves. Today, I’ll go through my top 10 self-care tips to make yourself a priority. 

Self-care is not the same as being selfish

Can we stress this more? Self-care is an essential part of your daily life. Taking care of yourself is an expression of self-love. Without that, there is no true health or happiness. More often than not, we tend to put self-care in the backburner, because we think that it’s being superficial. How many times have you told yourself that you need to dedicate 24 hrs to be on duty for others, namely your family, job or even social activities? There is room for everything, don’t get me wrong. But, what I’m trying to say here is that it’s very common to forget taking out time to indulge or simply feel good. And, there is nothing wrong with it, in fact, it’s necessary. And, applying self-care tips goes way beyond the body, it’s also about your mind and soul. 

self-care tips

Self-care tips 101: Treat yourself

Let’s start embracing self-care tips as a must and as part of our to-do list, shall we? By this, I mean that you should start setting some time aside only for yourself. It’s the number one step to start making self-care as a number one priority in your life. Take the following 10 rules of self-care into account, if you really want to have a boost in your wellness now.

1. Develop a positive mindset

Being positive and wearing a smile doesn’t only show how confident you are, but also helps you stay in a good mood most times. Did you know that the best results in health and wellness are achieved when we have a positive approach towards life? Earlier in my article about the right mindset towards fitness, I emphasize on some strategies to get there. Starting your day with a good attitude will help you become more intentional towards taking care of yourself. This year, make it a target to achieve a better version. A positive mindset is key to improve your fitness and mental health. 

2. Be mindful of the people that you surround yourself with

As the saying goes, we become similar to the 5 people we most spend time with. And this is so true when it comes to family, relationships, friends and even colleagues. It’s important that we stay connected to people that makes us feel good. If you are constantly surrounded by people who try to bring you down, who don’t motivate or inspire, you’ll feel drained. And this happens both physically and emotionally. Yes, this is one of my favorite self-care tips, maybe you didn’t saw coming. But, remember that taking care of yourself includes your mental health.

3. Self-care tips 101: Do what makes you feel happy

Doing what’s best for you should be your number one priority. It’s about knowing what you need. The good thing is that it doesn’t really require that much effort. You just have to realize what works for you and what you want in your life. I used to be the kind of person that wanted to please people, try to fit in and do what others expected of me. I’m sure you can always relate. Society has taught us to live based on other people’s approval and put others first. As you go along, don’t forget to take ownership for YOU. It’s ok to say NO from time to make if it doesn’t feel right. Don’t compromise your emotional health for the sake of pleasing others. 

4. Nourish your body right: Eat like you love yourself

One of my favorite self-care tips, hands down. And I say this, not because I am a nutritionist, but eating is also an emotional, spiritual experience. Nourishing your body with the right foods will not only help you look good and stay fit, but also make you feel good about yourself. Remember to embrace your body with love and give it the right nutrition. Eating in a balanced and intuitive way has helped me not only to be happy about my physique, but also be healthier emotionally. 

5. Take exercise as way to treat your body and soul

Working out is a fabulous way of staying fit and boosting your metabolism. Beyond that, exercising regularly has been proven to give tons of health benefits. In terms of beauty, it also helps you remain youthful and improve your skin collagen. Isn’t that an amazing self-care fact? I personally love working out for my physical and emotional wellbeing overall. It helps to relieve the stress, reduce anxiety, and even sleep better. Now is the time to start including your regular workouts in your schedule. If it’s one of your 2020 health resolutions, aim to turn it into a lifestyle goal. 

6. Self-care tips 101: Nurture that favorite hobby

Hobbies are there for a reason. I bet you didn’t know that practicing a hobby is part of your self-care tips. Well, doing that favorite hobby like listening to music, reading that book or even painting, can really boost your creativity and give you happiness. And that, my friend is self-care too! Planning to go hiking during the weekends? Why not go for it! 

7. Salon/ spa time! Treat yourself to that massage

Who doesn’t love to pamper themselves in a cool relaxing massage? Indulging in relaxation is also a key part of self-care. We often forget to treat ourselves, because we are so busy. Whether you are at home or plan to book an appointment at a spa, take that massage. Or something as simple as getting your hair and nails done, have a routine for it. 

8. Self-care tips 101: Travel

Travelling is one of the most enriching experiences that anyone could have. Personally, I love to visit different places anytime I can. Travelling allows you to connect with different cultures, people, places, nature, food, you name it. Self-care also means allowing yourself to simply have fun. To travel is to include time for your own fun and wellbeing. Whether you do it alone or with company, aim to travel to a different location from time to time. 

9. Rest when needed 

This is one of my self-care tips priorities. Resting when you need it is essential for your body’s recovery. Lack of rest and sleep is linked to so many help problems like stress, depression, anxiety, sugar cravings, and even weight gain. There are many ways to rest. You can have that afternoon siesta, just relax in your coach or disconnect from social media. Take that time to disconnect from your surroundings and connect with your inner self. 

10. Invest time in learning something new

What about that new cooking class? Maybe mastering meal prep techniques? Or even doing that first yoga class. It’s always important to learn something new. It not only enriches your knowledge, but also helps boost your confidence and wellbeing. People who learn different languages are said to have a higher level of satisfaction in life overall, than people who don’t. The same thing is said about other skills. The more you learn in this life, the happier you’ll be. That means that you’ve decided to nurture your own health and personal satisfactions as priorities. 

In short…

Putting yourself as a priority shouldn’t cost you that much. Self-care is also an act of self-love. Focus on doing the things that matter to you the most. Treat yourself whenever you can, because you deserve it and you need to be healthy. Remember that self-care is not only about your body, but also your mind and soul. Practicing these self-care tips will not only boost your fitness goals, but also your mental health and self-esteem. Let me know what are some of your self-care habits below in the comments. Share this piece with someone you care about! 

Until then,


Z. Johnson

Passionate about helping and inspiring others to improve to a healthier lifestyle!

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