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20 ways to stay in shape on a tight schedule

ways to stay in shape
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It’s easy to believe that you will fall off the wagon on your fitness journey because you have a busy schedule. But, the truth is, even if you have limited time for exercise, you can still stay in shape. Getting your fitness goals during this year doesn’t have to cost you tons of money or be overwhelming. If you have been struggling with your weight, fitness results, or even staying healthy, then I invite you to take a look at some easy and effective ways to stay in shape when you have limited time for working out. 

Stack up on protein

Protein is the most important macronutrient to keep your body and metabolism on track. You should always prioritize eating healthy over exercising, because fitness starts in the kitchen. That’s right, 80-90% of your fitness results rely on healthy nutrition, while 20% is based on exercise. So, even if you don’t have enough time to spend at a gym, you can still stay in shape by eating the right way. Nourish your body by eating enough protein at all meals of the day. Focus on lean protein sources, and you’ll notice that your metabolism will be on point. The goal is to keep your body in fat burning mode, while getting toned and reducing sugar cravings. 

Read more: Increase protein intake with these hacks

Load your meals with fiber

Eating enough fiber is necessary also to help you stay in shape. By having enough fiber foods, your appetite will be in check, you’ll have a healthier digestion, avoid overeating, and thus, boost your metabolism. Make sure to include all plant-based foods in your diet so you can stay in shape and control your food intake.

Ways to stay in shape: Drink enough water

Staying hydrated is one of the key components to maintain a healthy body and to stay in shape. When you drink enough water during the day, you promote an effective metabolism, your body removes all the toxins, and helps control your digestion. This will make you stay in shape and also avoid you from drinking those excessive calorie drinks that will make you gain weight. Your body needs water to function properly, remember that!

Swap the saturated fats by the healthy fats

One of the best ways to stay in shape is to eat less saturated fats in your diet. This is something so easy to do, that  oftentimes we overlook it in our eating regimen. Focus on getting your fats from nuts, fruits like avocados, go for healthy oils like coconut oil, almond oil, olive oil and stay away from products that have cholesterol, shortening, trans fats, high processed meats, etc. 

Focus on whole foods rather than processed

This pretty much sums up my previous point. Overall, you should be eating more fresh foods, especially fruits, veggies, whole grains, cereals, lean protein, nuts. Besides being loaded with nutrients, these foods will help you avoid eating too much over processed meals. Sodium, sugars, saturated fats and artificial ingredients in processed foods will make your weight go up and cause other diseases. Therefore, nutrient-dense foods are the key to nourish your body the right way and to keep your metabolism in check. 

Read more: The ultimate guide to burn body fat

Avoid skipping meals

If you’re the type of person that usually dreads making breakfast in the morning, think twice. Grabbing a banana, or going for just a cup of coffee is not enough to keep your body in shape. Actually, you may be doing more harm than good. Studies prove that eating a good breakfast in the morning helps to boost your metabolism and avoids you from overeating. A good breakfast is also key to prevent unnecessary sugar cravings and over snacking. Make sure you stack your meals with the essentials: protein, fiber and healthy fats.

Getting enough sleep is one of the best ways to stay in shape

Who doesn’t love to get a good night’s sleep? Well, at the same time, did you know that more than half of the population do not sleep enough? Believe it or not, lack of sleep is the main reason why you may be struggling with constant cravings, stress, are irritated and even have digestive problems. Getting enough rest is one of the ways to stay in shape, because it will help to boost your metabolism, keep your appetite in check and help to avoid weight gain. Aim at 7-9 hours quality sleep and you’ll notice the difference in your wellness.

Read more: Intuitive eating to get in shape

Your vitamins count as other ways to stay in shape

Taking vitamins is a common topic of discussion, because people claim that having a good diet is enough to cover all your nutrient needs. But, the truth of the matter is that nobody’s diet is perfect, and sometimes food processing and cooking methods can reduce our vitamin intake. Therefore, it’s always essential to take a multivitamin daily, so that you can ensure you’re getting everything your body needs. This goes especially for women, since our hormonal cycles can influence how much vitamins we absorb. I personally take vitamins daily and I love how these help me feel more energized. Besides that, these vitamins support my metabolism, and improve my immune system among other benefits. My favorite go-to is Whole Food Women’s Multivitamin. Learn more about this vitamin supplement and get it at discount here:

Check your schedule and squeeze in some HIIT cardio

If you thought that hitting some cardio during your workout sessions would take up a lot of time, think twice. The reason why I love HIIT cardios is because you can burn tons of calories in less than 30 minutes. You can actually do a full routine in 15 mins or less. HIIT exercises are one of the best ways to stay in shape because they are intense in a small period of time. Check out more about HIIT exercises here.  

Try some easy bodyweight exercises at home

No time to go to the gym? No problem. Actually, since the beginning of the dreaded pandemic, I had to adjust my workout routine to be done at home. I learned so much from bodyweight exercises, that I noticed how my body was still toned. And the best thing about bodyweight exercises is that you don’t need much equipment. You can even do them at your bedside! In this post, I leave more info about my favorite full-body workouts. 

Read more: How to train your body and keep the curves

Check out online exercise videos

This is probably one of the best hacks I’ve found useful when trying out an effective workout routine. The good thing about finding exercises online is that they are easy, so you can do them in less than 30 minutes. Also, you can watch the instructor while doing the exercises from the comfort of your home. Here are some great short exercises to burn belly fat/ lose weight. 

Try some calisthenics

Calisthenics are another great way to stay in shape when your time is limited. You don’t need equipment for this and you can pretty much rely on your backyard, a park, or a space at home. This type of street workout is effective for burning body fat and for strengthening your muscles. You can learn more about calisthenics here.

Read more: How to start your fitness journey

Park your car more often

Something as simple as leaving your car at home or parking at a longer distance can make you stay in shape. You’ll be forced to walk more steps and that counts as exercise, my friend. Try parking your car a few blocks away from the store or walk towards your favorite pharmacy.

Climb the stairs instead of using the elevator

This is another easy way to stay in shape when you have limited time for workouts. Climbing the stairs may feel like you’re spending more time, but it’s actually a sneaky way to get in that extra movement. 

Dancing is one of the ultimate ways to stay in shape

If you love to dance like me, you can easily get more movement in your day. You don’t have to go to the dance floor, but dancing while you’re cooking, or doing the chores is a great strategy. I love dancing when I start my day, it helps to wake me up and keep me energized.

Read more: Health and fitness journey: consistency vs perfection

Meditation is another way to stay in shape

Meditation is a way to relax, but you can also stay in shape by incorporating some exercises. You can do some yoga, stretching along with meditation. Some breathing exercises can even stimulate your core muscles. 

Ways to stay in shape: Stretch more often

Stretching is a passive way to exercise. I love everytime I stretch because it helps my muscles stay toned, and it de-stresses me. Doing small stretches will strengthen your muscles and promote your body’s fitness.

Get active around the house

Doing chores around the house may not seem like a way to exercise, but trust me, it can help you burn those extra calories. You can take advantage of your days off to be active around the house. Every bit of movement counts when it comes to staying in shape. 

Go for a walk and/or take your dog

How many times do we underestimate the power of going for walks? I like going for a walk around the neighborhood all the time. You can take it to the next level by even jogging. If you have a tight schedule, you can exercise while you take out your dog. 

Ways to stay in shape: Ride a bicycle

Going for a ride outside is one of the most relaxing ways to stay in shape. If you didn’t know, riding a bike for as much as 20 minutes can burn many calories just as if you went to the gym. And the good thing about it is that even when you lack time, instead of driving your car to do errands you can go on your bike. Smart way to get in that extra movement right?

A final word…

Staying in shape when you have a tight schedule is not difficult at all. You don’t have to complicate yourself to keep a healthy weight. All you need to do is to focus on getting the right nutrition, staying active while you can and getting enough rest. What are you currently doing to stay in shape on your busy days? Comment below. 

Disclaimer: This post includes affiliate links, and I will earn a commission if you purchase through these links. Please note that I’ve linked to these products purely because I recommend them and they are from companies I trust. There is no additional cost to you.

Z. Johnson

Passionate about helping and inspiring others to improve to a healthier lifestyle!

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  1. Fred says:

    i love this article she is very informative an intelligent and she explains the truth.

    1. Thank you so much for your feedback Fred! I’m happy you can relate to this content. Keep up with the healthy lifestyle!

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