Healthy eating on-the-go Nutrition Tips

Healthy eating on a budget: Top 20 hacks to stay on top of the game!

healthy eating on a budget
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Whoever said that eating healthy is expensive is lying. Have you ever wondered why you always fall short with food budget? There are many reasons related to overspending and not been able to stick to a healthy eating regimen. Lack of effective planning, not having a balanced eating lifestyle, always eating out are just some facts. I get you, we’ve all been there, especially when we are with busy lives. But, this no longer has to be your case. Over the time, I’ve learned how to achieve a healthy eating on a budget, even to this date.

Healthy eating is all about making smart food choices. Knowing which foods we should be eating more regularly and which ones occasionally will help us make better decisions. Eating right involves balance and moderation, but also developing healthy habits around food. Remember, things don’t have to be perfect, but at least there are many simple steps you can follow in your lifestyle to help you stick to a tight budget and still stay healthy! I will share with you, some of the best hacks that have worked for me regarding healthy eating on a budget.

Plan with anticipation

This is a big one my friend! Planning can save you so much time, energy and money when it comes to food budget. I always do this on a weekly or bi-weekly basis, depending on when I get my money to spend on food. It’s been a definite life saver for me! Especially during the weekends, before I go grocery shopping, I already have a clear idea of the list of foods and recipes I’ll be preparing for the week. As well, it makes it easier for meal prep.

Stick to your grocery shopping list

Oh how many of us guilty here? It still happens to me sometimes. But now, I’ve learned to be more organized with my grocery shopping and try to stick to only what’s on the list. I’ve noticed that walking in between the isles of the grocery store, just looking around is tempting to picking up things we really don’t need. Lesson learned, my friend! In order to be more effective with the budget, let’s keep that shopping list and calculator handy!

Healthy eating on a budget: Cook at home

healthy eating on a budget

Sometimes we are lazy to cook. I get you. I am not the type of person that cooks every single day at every meal time, but I can tell you that eating healthy on a budget is still possible. Again, I make use of my weekends to prep and cook foods for the following week. Plus, making sure I store them properly to keep foods fresh is a must for me. Cooking at home is not just a skill, but it’s a budget saver. If you’re someone who doesn’t like to cook, try cooking some of the easiest meals and recipes. Focus on foods that don’t require too much preparation as well. For instance, fruits and veggies can be eaten raw, and you can get the most out of their nutrients.

Buy in bulk when healthy eating on a budget

Buying in bulk is also a great tip for healthy eating on a budget. You will save a lot when shopping foods in bulk rather than going for individuals frequently. Plus, you will notice how much time you save. Here, you have to be careful with planning for foods that are perishable. For example, dairy products, certain fruits and leafy greens are some foods that we should eat on a daily basis. Buying too much of these without knowing the quantity we eat, can result in waste. Foods like these usually don’t last more than 10 days, unless you keep them freezed and well stored.

Healthy eating on a budget: Do meal prep

Meal prep is one of my top hack choices with healthy eating on a budget. Meal prep saves time, energy, money, avoids waste, etc. Check out more of this strategy here.

Include “all meals” in your budget

This should be a no brainer. But, often times, we forget to include meals as snacks in our eating plan. As I mentioned earlier about healthy snacks, these foods should also be included in the budget and meal planning.

Choose more fresh foods over processed

This is one of the top hacks for eating smart to stay in shape. Besides being healthier, choosing more fresh foods comes out cheaper for your pocket. Make sure when you go shopping to choose alternatives that are more natural. Also, remember that processed foods include extra additives and other ingredients like simple sugars, fat and sodium.

Support the local: Go to the farmer’s market

healthy eating on a budget

Going to the farmer’s market is another smart way to save money. It is also great when it comes to healthy eating on a budget. Everything you find at the farmer’s market is affordable. Apart from that, the quality of food you get is superior to other processed goods. For example, in my local farmer’s market, I can get bigger size produce, with more vibrant colors, compared to what I usually get at the supermarket. Fresher food equals to better nutritional value.

“Shop around” for the cheapest options

If you need to shop at a grocery store, then it’s safe and smart to check for the best budget friendly options. In your town, look for places that offer not only good price, but also variety and quantity. There are places where you can even buy out of bulk bins. That can save you tons of pennies!

Healthy eating on a budget: Look for sales and promotions

When you shop for food, you should always come across good bargains. This is a top benefit when going to the local grocery store and farmers market. I always check for promotions and sales where I can get more for less money. Trust me, it works wonders when you add up!

Buy fresh produce when it’s in season

This is also a must my friend! When you shop fresh food, choose the ones that are in season. For example, for fruits, you can tell the huge difference in taste, juiciness and overall quality. Plus, it tends to last longer days. When you buy produce that’s in season, it’s not only cheaper, but it has more nutritional value and may have less pesticides than packaged goods.

Healthy eating on a budget: Eat more budget friendly foods

Here are  my top choices for quality, budget friendly foods: eggs, dairy products like local made milk and cheese, whole grains like beans and lentils, fruits, leafy greens and certain poultry cuts. Depending on where you live and availability, you may find poultry less expensive than red meat.

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Alternate meat with other less expensive options

healthy eating on a budget

Now that “meatless Mondays” are a trend, we can take advantage of this healthy practice to save money as well. From all the food groups, meat are usually the most expensive. The idea behind the “meatless Mondays” is to create a healthier mindset around other protein sources and consuming less red meat. This is a good option if you want to keep your healthy eating regimen budget friendly. You can substitute red meat for plant based protein foods, poultry, or if you have a fish market near, then get some seafood. Also, eggs are very cheap and have good nutritional quality. Check out some egg recipes here.

Keep food safety practices always

This is a must when it comes healthy eating on a budget. Preserving food to avoid waste is one of the go-tos when saving money. The less food you waste, the more you help your pocket and save the planet as well. Learn more about food safety here.

Organize your fridge and pantry

Your food spaces at home should be safe and organized. Besides finding things better, it will make your life easier when it comes to meal prepping. Make sure you store your foods according to how your fridge is divided: the perishable goods like veggies and leafy greens should be kept in the lower compartment of the fridge. In order to have the food last longer, store in the freezer. For the pantry, make sure you have everything organized and easy to find.

Make good use of leftovers

There are ingenious ways of using food leftovers. For example, get those chicken pieces and cut veggies and throw them into a soup! As well, you can create many other quick recipes. I sometimes use leftovers to make wraps, sandwiches, etc. Again, the more we use and the less we waste, the better for our pocket. You do what works for you!

Healthy eating on a budget: Get creative with meals

As mentioned above, there are many meals and snack ideas you can come up with. This not only will avoid you getting tired of the same old recipes, but can be a smart way of using leftovers. This is also great for making different food combinations. You will be surprised with the amount of recipe ideas you can invent.

Healthy eating on a budget: Read food labels

Reading food labels is also a top priority when it comes to grocery shopping. The reason is because there are tons of processed and packaged goods. It can be overwhelming sometimes to decide whether one food is healthier than another by comparing labels. I’ve seen that not all the labels are made equally. Here, you need to use your own judgement, and at least learn which ingredients are listed on the top. If you see too many artificial ingredients or unknown substances, then you need to consider other options. That food may be packed with hidden sugars and/or fats.

Avoid shopping when hungry

Anyone else guilty of this besides me? Raising my hand, lol. Going grocery shopping when you’re hungry is definitely not a good idea. Been there, done that. You could end up going around the isles that have those chips, the cookies and pastries! Beware…It’s better to just keep it simple and not be tempted to pick up more than necessary, especially when you’re shopping on a budget.

Grow your own produce if you can

Growing your own produce is another smart idea. If you have the space at home and good soil, look for options to grow your own food. In my hometown, families have the tradition of growing at least a fruit tree. If that is the case for you, then, there will be no need to spend much money on fruits. There is nothing better than producing your own fresh food!


Healthy eating on a budget is easily achievable when following these steps. You just have to be organized when it comes to planning, prepping food and making good food choices. Also, food safety is key to avoid waste. Taking advantage of the natural over the excess processed foods is not only beneficial to your health, but to your wallet. Get creative and find new ideas to use your food leftovers for recipes. If you found this helpful, let me know your thoughts in the comments below. Share this guide with your friends!

Disclaimer: This post includes affiliate links, and I will earn a commission if you purchase through these links. Please note that I’ve linked to these products purely because I recommend them and they are from companies I trust. There is no additional cost to you.

Z. Johnson

Passionate about helping and inspiring others to improve to a healthier lifestyle!

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